Hundreds of Thousands Gather to Pray for World Peace in Bangladesh

كاتب : ابراهيم العويني 2020-01-27 13:34:48

Hundreds of thousands of Muslims raised their hands and prayed for the welfare of the world as they joined a final prayer Sunday in wrapping up a three-day Islamic congregation near Bangladesh’s capital.

The Biswa Ijtema, or World Congregation of Muslims, is one of the largest gatherings of Muslim devotees, held on the sandy banks of the River Turag at Tongi, just north of Dhaka.

The gathering is apolitical, and the sermons deal with an interpretation of Islam that advocates peace, harmony and brotherhood.

“Oh my Allah, please save the world, please pour Your blessings, please end all bloodshed through Your blessings,” cried an imam who led the final prayer. Many of the devotees burst into tears seeking blessings.

Security was tight, with agencies setting up watchtowers, control rooms and CCTVs.

Let us end world violence and pray for peace and unity.

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