Iconic Imambaras: Holy landmarks of Shia Muslims

: Aba al-Hassan Abbas 2024-04-02 08:04:28

History reveals the development of civilizations and societies and the progress and changes in different aspects of man’s life. It helps us to discover how languages developed, how cultures evolved, and how countries changed; different milestones achieved in political, social, and scientific spheres; and about war and peace and different forms of government. The development of Imambara is part of the history of the subcontinent and beyond, the Middle Eastern countries.

Many, though not everyone, are acquainted with the word Imambara. It is an Urdu/Persian word associated with a building hosting the programmes and rituals of Moharram. It is a place where people congregate, observe the programmes, and commemorate the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his kith and kin.

Apart from the month of Moharram, people also assemble here on special dates throughout the year, and programmes are held where religious scholars and Moulanas speak and narrate the tragedy of Karbala and the battles that were fought on its plains by the bank of the river Euphrates. They also give lectures on the Quran, the life of the Holy Prophet of Islam, and the history of Islam since its inception. They explain the tenets of Islam and how to practice and follow its teachings.

Imambara is pivotal in the daily lives of the Shias, especially during dates of events that are part of Islamic history. Imambara is decorated with alams, which are banners and Islamic standards reminiscent of the forces of Imam Hussain when they confronted the soldiers of the junta. There are tazias displayed, which are replicas of Imam's mausoleum at Karbala. Food and other edible items are distributed after majlises (religious deliberations and discourses) to the attendees.

On special dates, the congregations are treated to full meals inside the Imambara when they sit and eat together, all attendees sitting shoulder to shoulder. Programmes go on late into the night as processions are also held on some special occasions.


Source: The Daily Star website


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