Pope Francis calls for an end to the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan

2021-12-26 13:27:47

The Pope called for more international dialogue in order to put an end to the conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and other regions of the world.

Pope Francis, in his Urbi et Orbi address from the balcony of the Basilica, said that these countries witnessed horrific events amid a deafening international silence.

Pope Francis warned about the social consequences of the pandemic, saying there was "a growing tendency to withdraw... to stop making an effort to encounter others and do things together".

“On the international level too there is the risk of avoiding dialogue, the risk that this complex crisis will lead to taking shortcuts rather than setting out on the longer path" to resolve conflicts.

"We continue to witness a growing number of conflicts, crises and disagreements," he said. "These never seem to end and by now we hardly even notice them.

"We have become so used to them that immense tragedies are being passed over in silence."

He singled out Syria, Iraq and Yemen "where an enormous tragedy overlooked by everyone has silently gone on for years".

The Pope also called for providence to the people of Myanmar, where "intolerance and violence target Christians and churches relentlessly".

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