Independent: The Pope’s visit to Najaf is a message to the world that this city represents the center of moderate Shiism and its capital

2021-03-02 15:22:15

The Arabic version of the well-known British Independent newspaper (Independent Arabia) confirmed that Pope Francis’ visit to Najaf represents international and regional recognition that the holy city is the capital of Shiism in the world.

In a report by the Iraqi journalist Moayad al-Torfi, the newspaper said that the Pope’s visit to Najaf and his meeting with the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al-Sistani, is a clear message to the world and the Middle East, that this city represents "the center of moderate Shiism and its capital."

The head of al-Mowja Center, Yasser Makki, told the newspaper that the Pope’s visit to Iraq in general and Najaf in particular, will be historic and could be invested over the next 20 years, but the preparations so far have not been up to the required level, especially since it is the first for Iraq and represents the rapprochement between Shia Muslims and the Christian world.

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