The Yazidis: The stance of Grand Ayatollah Sistani with the Yazidis has been recorded in history and we will not forget it

2024-06-08 07:20:23

The Yazidis in Iraq live mainly in the Sinjar region, the Nineveh Plain, Al-Hamdaniyah and Al-Sheikhan areas in Nineveh province in northwestern Iraq.

According to estimates, the number of Yazidis in Iraq reaches 700,000. They have lived with the rest of the religious denominations of Iraq for hundreds of years and are an integral part of the Iraqi people.

On August 3, 2014, ISIS committed genocide against the Yazidis in the Sinjar region of northern Iraq, killing an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 Yazidis and kidnapping between 6,000 and 7,000 women and children.

In an interview with the Karbala International Agency, the official spokesman for the Supreme Authority of the Yazidis and the director of the Center for Research and Studies in the Iraqi Minority Council, Mr. Khaldoun Salem Al-Nisani, spoke about coexistence between sects, the necessity of maintaining societal peace, and other national and humanitarian issues.

What are its necessities for coexistence between sects and religions within the country?

Firstly, it must be made clear that Iraqi society is characterized by religious and sectarian diversity, in addition to diverse cultures, customs and traditions, which makes this society a society characterized by pluralism. Therefore, peaceful coexistence is a life necessity for rapprochement and diversity among society and a civilizational necessity for communication and understanding between individuals, and the link that connects the people of Iraqi society is the historical connection. Therefore, this society must coexist peacefully, away from sectarian, ethnic, and religious differences.

What are the ways to maintain the integrity of this coexistence and what are the repercussions of its absence?

The importance of peaceful coexistence lies in the fact that its absence sometimes causes the eruption of conflicts, and its consolidation always contributes to the resolution of conflicts. Emphasis must be placed on spreading awareness that enhances peaceful coexistence and spreading its culture in society, as peaceful coexistence is one of the most important things that other societies seek to achieve, and without it, there is no way to live.

The Yazidis were subjected to an ISIS terrorist attack. How do you describe the national cohesion in defending this community?

The criminal acts committed by ISIS terrorists against the Yazidis in 2014 are no secret. These crimes cost the Yazidi community thousands of victims, including martyrs, displaced persons, kidnapped men and women, the fate of many of whom is still unknown, in addition to the destruction of the infrastructure of Yazidi cities and villages. The Iraqi forces took an honorable position in liberating the Yazidi areas and spreading safety. Therefore, we call on the Iraqi government to do more work in Sinjar district, and we hope that the efforts will be greater so that the families can return to their homes and return to normal life.

The Supreme Religious Authority in Najaf was concerned to protecting this religious minority, its safety and security. Can you tell us more about this?

The noble humanitarian position that will remain immortal in the minds of the Yazidis is the stance of the Supreme Religious Authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, as he stood with the Yazidis in their plight from the first day they were attacked by ISIS in 2014, and His Eminence had the first fatwa in history that did justice to the Yazidis and the position of the authority.  

The Supreme Religious Authority provided a lot of support and assistance to the people of Sinjar, Bashiqa, and the displacement camps. I was a witness to that and in constant communication with his representative, Sheikh Abdul-Mahdi Al-Karbalaey. The Al-Abbas Shrine also provided aid to the Yazidis through the Abbas Combat Division, and these matters were recorded by history, and we as Yazidis will never forget these stances.

How do you describe what the Palestinian people are subjected to today? What is the role of people and religions towards this?

We stand and support the Palestinian people with the attacks they are being subjected to by the brutal Israeli Zionist entity against the defenseless population in Gaza. These actions are immoral and inhumane. We stand against them and we are with the Palestinian people wholeheartedly.

Interviewer: Amir Al-Mousawi 

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