Iraq calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza at UN Security Council Briefing

2024-07-28 07:41:05

The UN Security Council held a briefing session to discuss the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing Israeli aggression on July 26, hosting the Deputy Commissioner-General of UNRWA and the Humanitarian Coordinator in Palestine.

Member states of the Council pointed to the scale of the humanitarian tragedy and the serious violations affecting the Palestinian people, stressing the importance of a ceasefire to save civilians and deliver humanitarian aid.

The Chargé d'Affaires of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York, Dr. Abbas Kadhim Obaid, delivered a statement on behalf of the Arab Group as its President saying, “The Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has caused an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, according to the description of all United Nations bodies and international relief organizations operating on the ground, despite repeated warnings and appeals issued by these organizations.”

He confirmed that “the Gaza Strip has turned into a disaster area unfit for habitation, and that the situation is getting worse, especially among children, due to the Gaza Strip being subjected to continuous military attacks by the Israeli occupation forces, which has led to mass forced displacement and an increase in the number of civilian casualties, the closure of the main crossings and the imposition of more restrictions, halting medical evacuation operations and cutting off of humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

The Iraqi representative continued, “In light of the scarcity of medical and health care, the spread of diseases, and the shortage of food and medicine, the Israeli occupation forces are systematically using famine as a weapon of war and humanitarian aid as leverage, further exacerbating the extent of human suffering in the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing genocide conducted by Israeli forces against the Palestinian people, violating all international standards including relevant Security Council resolutions.”

The Chargé d'Affaires called on the Council for “an immediate and sustained ceasefire and a more serious and decisive response to the humanitarian suffering in the Gaza Strip.”

He urged for a full commitment to international humanitarian law, opening all entry points to Gaza for humanitarian and commercial supplies, and fulfilling the basic humanitarian needs of civilians.

Obaid expressed gratitude to all humanitarian organizations operating in the Gaza Strip despite all the risks and challenges, acknowledging their determination to alleviate Palestinian suffering and extending support and solidarity to these institutions and their staff, notably the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). 

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