Unprecedented rise in Islamophobic incidents in Australia

2024-07-24 10:17:25

An "unprecedented" rise in Islamophobia across Australia has been reported since the start of the Israeli war in Gaza, according to the leading group tracking such incidents in the country - Islamophobia Register Australia.

Mariam Veiszadeh, founder and chair of the register, presented these findings to a Senate committee investigating right-wing extremism on Wednesday, according to The Guardian.

“The register has documented an increase on last count of around 581%.”

Veiszadeh expressed major concerns about extremist groups targeting Muslims and highlighted that Islamophobia is a gendered issue, with 78% of victims being women and 70% of perpetrators being men, based on a 2023 report.

Liberal senator Paul Scarr, chair of the committee, commended Veiszadeh for her "courage in pursuing the work you do, in the face of that awful, despicable intimidation."

There have been regular reports on the growing Islamophobia phenomenon in the Western countries. The Council on Islamic American Relations reported 8,061 complaints of anti-Muslim incidents in 2023, the highest since it began keeping records nearly 30 years ago.

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