Thailand: New museum displays centuries-old Quran manuscripts

2024-06-17 05:47:33

The Museum of Islamic Cultural Heritage and Quran Learning Centre in Narathiwat, Thailand, has opened its doors to the public, displaying a collection of 78 historical artifacts, including ancient copies of the Holy Quran.

Museum of Islamic Cultural Heritage and Al-Quran Learning Centre committee member Hazamee Saleh said the Qurans on display at the museum are between 150 to 1,100 years old.

The museum, situated approximately 11 kilometers from Narathiwat province in Yingo, houses items that represent the Islamic heritage of communities in Thailand, China, and Yemen.

"Visitors, including tourists from Malaysia and other countries, are welcome to explore these unique artifacts," Saleh stated.

The collection extends beyond the Quran copies, featuring manuscripts from the Malay Peninsula and the Arab world on various subjects such as hunting, gender studies, linguistics, astrology, astronomy, shipbuilding, navigation, and autobiographies of notable Muslims, according to The New Straits Times.

The exhibition also includes Islamic religious figures and philosophers from the Malay archipelago and the Arab world.

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