‘World Atlas’ publishes report on the 12 Imams of Twelver Shia Islam

2024-05-20 06:24:28

The ‘World Atlas’ website has recently published a report shedding light on the 12 Imams, peace be upon them, touching on important aspects of the life of each Infallible Imam and their divine roles in establishing justice and peace.

The report pointed out that "the Twelve Imams, peace be upon them, are from the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and they are infallible by God’s Decree, considered guiding leaders and revered figures among their Shia followers."

It explained that "these holy people helped Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and guided the Muslim community after the death of the prophet. The other nine Imams continued to guide the community and in particular through scholarship and divine guidance. All Muslims respect the twelve imams because they were divinely ordained and their knowledge and piety are considered exemplary."

The report reviews the names of the Imams starting from Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, concluding with the awaited Imam al-Mahdi, may Allah Almighty hasten his honorable reappearance, indicating that “the pure Imams had a divine mission to establish peace and justice in the world."

In discussing Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, and his humanitarian uprising, the report pointed out that "Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, is a central and significant figure in Islamic history."

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