Juan Carlos University holds symposium on the impact of Arabic manuscripts on Spanish culture

2022-12-06 10:35:01

The Faculty of International Relations at the Spanish Juan Carlos University, in cooperation with the Aal al-Bayt Foundation, held a symposium entitled ‘The Impact of Arabic Manuscripts on Spanish Culture,’ with the participation of researchers, thinkers and academics.

The symposium witnessed the participation of a number of Shia researchers from Iraq, including Dr. Muhammad Saeed Al-Shukri, who presented a research titled (Iraq: Roots, the People, Building the State and the Future), and researcher Dr. Muhammad Saeed Al-Tarihi, who presented a research titled (Christians and Shias).

The event included a photo exhibition under the title (Baghdad, a Modern Place) by Dr. Josep Bog Montada.

The Iraqi ambassador to Madrid, Salih Hussein Al-Tamimi, expressed his admiration for the symposium and the important topics and research it carried.

Al-Tamimi said: "Iraq is always ready for cultural cooperation and to continue organizing other symposiums in various fields, especially the civilization and history of Iraq."

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