Egypt: Ministry of Endowments organizes research competition on the Holy Quran’s scientific miracles

2021-08-03 15:13:18

Egypt’s Ministry of Endowments is organizing a research competition on the scientific miracles of the Holy Quran.

Named ‘Al-Nababiq’, the competition began on Monday and will continue until Thursday, August 5, according to Akhbar el-Yom website.

Research papers on different aspects of the Quran’s scientific miracles in such areas as human body, plants, animals, birds and the universe can be submitted to the competition.

The second theme of the competition is the Holy Quran’s eloquence, which is considered as an aspect of the Holy Book’s miracle.

The research papers will be evaluated by the Fatwa and Propagation Studies Department, according to the Ministry.

The scientific miracle of the Quran is a notion that shows the Quran is a miracle according to some Quranic statements with findings in empirical sciences. There are statements in the Quran concerning empirical facts which were not discovered at the time of its revelation.

Examples of the Quran scientific miracles include Quranic statements regarding the rotation and the orbit of the Earth, the origination of life from water, the Earth's gravity, and the division of plants and animals into male and female.

In the last century, the scientific miracle of the Quran has been the focus of the attention of many Quranic scholars in the world.

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