Mourning ceremony for Imam Hussein performed in sign language for the first time

كاتب : ابراهيم العويني 2020-08-28 12:00

In an initiative that is the first of its kind, the Imam Hussein Specialist Center for the Deaf at Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has organized an online mourning ceremony for Imam Hussein performed in sign language, in implementation of the recommendations of the Supreme Religious Authority and the Ministry of Health on social distancing to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Center director, Basim al-Atwani, said in an interview with the International Media Center, "It is imperative to continue the establishment of mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussein and other activities, while taking into account the necessary health precautions, in order to disseminate the eternal message of the Battle of al-Taff to all people, especially the deaf, oppressed and marginalized segment of society."

Sheikh Ali al-Qarawi delivered a speech in the mourning ceremony, which was broadcasted live on social media networks.

"The center is constantly working with all its specialists in Karbala and other provinces to maintain the dissemination of religious, social and cultural lectures and ceremonies by investing in the live broadcast service in a systematic manner, and by activating the role of sign language interpreters to participate in mourning ceremonies around the country,” added al-Atwani.

The Imam Hussein Specialist Center for the Deaf is considered one of the pioneering and distinguished centers for the deaf community in Iraq that establishes various activities tailored for the deaf, to help break the barrier of silence with sign language.

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