Glorious Ancient Cemetery in Iraq is Largest in the World

كاتب : ابراهيم العويني 2019-12-18 10:08

Wadi Al-Salam, meaning Valley of Peace in Arabic, is an ancient Islamic cemetery located near the holy city of Najaf, Iraq.  From an aerial view, it looks like a sprawling city.  However, its residents are not from the land of the living. This record-breaking cemetery contains approximately five millions bodies, making it the largest graveyard on earth.  With graves stretching as far as the eye can see, there are more tombs here than the population of most cities.  Ancient prophets, imams, kings, scientists, and civilians have been buried at this cemetery for close to 1,500 years and it is estimated that 500,000 bodies continue to be placed at the site each year, many of the more recent additions being soldiers and PMU fighters killed in fighting ISIS.


Enormous City of the Dead

The enormous cemetery covers an area of 1485.5 acres, which is about the size of a small town in the U.S.  It contains the remains of millions of ordinary citizens as well as hundreds of revered Islamic religious figures, clerics and political and social leaders.  The site is also located close to the holy shrine of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib.  Because of this, nearly all of Iraq's Shi'a Muslim population requests to be buried here.


An enduring tradition

Wadi Al-Salam is the only cemetery in the world where the process of burial still continues as it did more than 1,400 years ago.  The cemetery contains graves built with baked bricks and plaster that vary in height.  Among the tombstones are room-size family crypts built by the wealthy which are often topped by domes. It is said that each crypt is capable of holding up to 50 bodies and there are several kinds of burials, with lower graves, and high graves (towers). 


Historical significance

Imam Ali (as) has said: "This Valley of Peace (Wadi Al-Salam) is part of Heaven and that there is not a single one of the believers in the world, whether he dies in the East or West, but his soul will come to this Paradise to rest.”

The graveyard holds importance in Shia belief as it has been said that the souls of all faithful men and women shall eventually be moved to Wadi Al-Salam, no matter where their bodies are buried. 


Wadi Al-Salam is currently on UNESCO’s tentative list for registration as a World Heritage site.

Source: Ancient Origins

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