Representative of Grand Ayatollah Sistani visits Ecumenical Patriarch for interfaith dialogue

2024-05-06 05:37:33

Ayatollah Sayyed Jawad Al-Shahrestani, representative of Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Al-Sistani, made a significant visit to the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul, Turkey, on May 1.

During his visit, Al-Shahrestani held a meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, engaging in extensive discussions on topics concerning the ongoing academic dialogue between Orthodoxy and Islam. The two parties also delved into the significance of interfaith dialogue in fostering global peace.

Following the discussions, Al-Shahrestani and his delegation were guided to the Patriarchal Church, where Patriarchal Deacon Evlogios Tsatsas provided insights into the rich history of the church and the sacred relics housed within it. The visit served as an opportunity for cultural exchange and mutual understanding between the Shia delegation and the representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. 

Source: Orthodox Times


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