President of the Muslim Community Association in Spain: The mental image of Islam in Europe must be corrected

2021-05-09 15:04:56

The President of the Muslim Community Association in Spain, Omar Del Pozo, said, "There is a lot of misinformation about Islam that must be corrected and the mental image of European society that it is a religion for immigrants only must be changed."

Del Pozo said that he grew up in a Muslim Spanish family, and witnesses the conversion of one of them to Islam almost every Friday in the Grand Mosque that he runs in Granada, noting that there are about 3000 Spanish Muslims living in the city.

"There is a lot of false information about Islam that must be corrected today in a society in which Muslims in Spain make up a small part, which does not exceed 2.1 million people in the country."

Spanish Muslims reject the stereotype that limits Islam to immigrants only, and they believe that this image must be eliminated.

About 2.1 million Muslims live in Spain, including 880,000 Spanish citizens, most of whom are immigrants who have obtained citizenship.

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