Afghanistan: Shias at risk of genocide under Taliban's restrictions

: Aba al-Hassan Abbas 2024-08-17 09:58:02

Afghanistan: The Shia people in the country said that the Taliban-led groups inflict restrictions on their personal beliefs and the freedom of their rituals under different excuses. At the same time, ISIS terrorist groups continue to massacre AhluAlbayet's (Al-Ja'fari sect) followers by spreading their excommunication oratory.

The Shias of Afghanistan emphasise that the continuous restraints and bloodbaths turned the country into a country so hard to live in for AhluAlBayet lovers and followers.

They added, "We aren't safe to do our jobs, live our daily lives, or even perform our religious acts, as all houses, streets, neighbourhoods, and mosques are dangerous; yet the world and global authorities turned a blind eye on our catastrophic lives."

It is stated that religious rights activists have noted that the Taliban's brutal acts against Shia may encourage ISIS to set more attacks on them. The activists urged the need to put hands together and spread tolerance."

Sources: Hasht-e Subh Daily


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